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Behavior Tracking

Dossier - Referrals Module

Track behaviour events that occur
(who, when, where, why)

Staff can manage response to events themselves (Classroom Managed) or escalate to Administration (Office Managed)
  • Classroom Managed: Consequences of events can be reviewed and feedback provided or accepted as resolved
  • Office Managed: Escalated to administration for further review and actions
Office managed can include specific consequences (parental contact, loss of privilege, suspension, etc)
Reporting on
  • When and where behaviour referrals occur
  • Breakdown on types of events
  • And more
Dossier - Referrals Module
Behavior Tracking

Dossier - Referrals Module
New Behaviour Tracking Referral

Dossier - Referrals Module
Edit Behavior Incident and Action

Dossier - Referrals Module
Event Reasons Settings

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